JMeter vs Apache Benchmark: Top 8 Differences | Loadium

JMeter vs Apache Benchmark | Know the Top 8 Differences

There are many ways for IT experts to perform a load/benchmark test on their system. With the help of a testing tool, this process could be…

JMeter vs Apache Benchmark | Know the Top 8 Differences

There are many ways for IT experts to perform a load/benchmark test on their system. With the help of a testing tool, this process could be really easy to perform and manage. If you are looking for different performance or benchmark testing tools, you have probably come across Apache Benchmark (A/B) and Apache JMeter before. And in this article, we will be focusing on the similarities and differences between JMeter vs Apache Benchmark.

As we just said, both JMeter and Apache Benchmark were developed by Apache Software Foundation. They both can be used to run performance based tests for a specific system or API. And they are also open-source tools. But now, it is time to compare these two options.

Head to Head Comparisons Between JMeter vs Apache Benchmark

  • Apache Benchmark is originally a single threaded command line load testing tool.
  • In JMeter, you can decide about the number of threads, it’s all up to you.
  • Apache Benchmark was originally designed for testing Apache HTTP Server, but you can test any web server with it.
  • In Jmeter, you can test different protocols/servers like HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, FTP, LDAP, Database and many more.
  • Apache Benchmark can be executed from the command line interface of your PC.
  • JMeter has its own GUI and NON-GUI interfaces to create and run a load test.
  • Apache Benchmark consumes lower CPU and memory footprint.
  • JMeter requires more resources from your device since it will be dealing with lots of data at the same time.
  • Apache Benchmark is really suitable for testing one API at a time. So if you are looking for testing an end-to-end scenario with more than one APIs, Apache Benchmark could be problematic.
  • JMeter is a really powerful tool for creating any kind of load test scenarios with the ability to make complicated data manipulations between requests.
  • Apache Benchmark offers you log entries and reporting once your test is finished, but you won’t be able to see lots of stats and metrics on your report.
  • JMeter has a powerful logging and reporting structure. You can monitor the performance of your system better with all the information provided.
  • You are limited with Basic authentication on Apache Benchmark.
  • JMeter has the support for different authentication types like Digest, NTLM, Kerberos.
  • Apache Benchmark doesn’t give you the ability to control your DNS caching.
  • With the “DNS Cache Manager” on JMeter, you can control your DNS management during your test.


And this is it! As you can imagine, if you are planning to create a complex load test scenario, Apache Benchmark can be way too restrictive. But JMeter gives you all the flexibility you need to create that flawless load test. And what is more, our pure load testing tool “Loadium” is also fully compatible with JMeter. Testing using JMeter on Loadium not only ensures that your product works properly when subjected to a high load, but it also helps you avoid losing money and wasting time and resources. If you’re curious about how Loadium works, request a demo here.

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