Jmeter vs Loadrunner Which Load Testing Tool Should You Choose
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Try Loadium now with all functionalities before you decide.
Create load test scripts without writing any code. Build a chain of HTTP requests to form your script. Start from scratch or use the Loadium Recorder to record browsing actions and speed up script creation.
Develop scripts effortlessly using a zero-code approach with an intuitive interface similar to Postman. Create HTTP requests just by typing URL addresses and other HTTP parameters
Add Loadium Recorder to your Google Chrome, record your actions, then transfer them to Script Builder with just one click. Finalize your script and run a load test.
Convert your Postman collection into Loadium Script Builder. This allows you to edit the converted HTTP requests, build script logic, and quickly proceed to load execution
You can download created scripts in JMeter format to continue working locally.
Jmeter vs Loadrunner Which Load Testing Tool Should You Choose
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