Enhance Your Gatling Tests


Unlock the full potential of Gatling's powerful scripting capabilities with Loadium's unparalleled high concurrency testing. Seamlessly upload your Gatling scripts and observe as Loadium effortlessly scales to simulate massive user loads.

Advantages of Loadium for Gatling

Get Quickly Started with Gatling for Load Testing

With Gatling and Loadium, discover the breaking points of your system and understand its maximum capacity. Identify performance bottlenecks and ensure your application remains resilient under extreme conditions.


Scaling Load Generation

Loadium supports high levels of concurrency, allowing you to simulate a large number of simultaneous users interacting with your application.


Distributed Load Testing

Distribute your load tests across multiple geographical locations to simulate real-world traffic patterns more accurately.


Detailed Analytics

Loadium offers extensive reporting features, including real-time monitoring, comprehensive performance metrics, and detailed analytics, which help you quickly identify bottlenecks and performance issues.

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