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Performance Test Reporting
Performance Test Reporting
The performance Test Reporting step provides an overall test result, test analysis, and recommendations to the development team from the application’s performance perspective.
Sometimes, technical teams may underestimate the value of reporting, mostly because they are busy, and writing a good report sometimes just takes more time than expected.
What Is Performance Test Reporting?
Performance Test Report makes performance testing visible and helps to find bottlenecks and make the GO / NO-GO decision for the whole application or a specific business flow.
There are many ongoing forum discussions about what the ideal load testing report needs to contain. While there may not be much agreement over the perfect performance report, you can always adjust the testing results depending on the target audience, however, we can surely say something about the framework. Framework components include these steps:
- Define Criteria for Success/Failure
- Establish Objectives
- Analyze Test Results
Load Testing Results Analysis Can Be A Thankless And Stressful Job
It not only requires a comprehensive knowledge of load testing design, an understanding of the technical layers involved in the application, and familiarity with the application’s architecture, but it also demands the ability to make accurate conclusions about the data and communicate them to stakeholders — all within a short time window.
That’s why you should focus on your testing processes and leave the reporting to us:)
The performance test report that Loadium provides comprises:
- Overview
- Summary Report
- Timeline Report
- Response Codes Report
- Engine Health Report
- Failure Criteria Report
- Logs Report
- Errors Report
Response Codes Report — Our Favorite!
It provides a great preview at first glance, in terms of the course of the test, including; how many requests were sent to which service, how many of the requests were unsuccessful, and what are the reasons.
Also, the response codes report helps the team to get information about the health of the script or to determine if there are any service-based errors.
Overview Report provides information about the overall health and efficiency of the test. Especially the latency & response time & connect time information in the first graphic helps the team to understand whether there is a bottleneck caused by the network infrastructure or the servers that are loaded.
The time-dependent user graph also informs the team that we can transfer as many users as we want inside.
The data in the test stats section can be called the most general and brief summary of the test, the percentage of total error, and avg. throughput. The response time information sums up the situation in general.
Apart From Its Name Being “Summary”, It Is More Than Summary
It is one of the most helpful screens in analyzing the test. Summary Report allows the team to see more detailed information compared to the Overview. The team may respectively see all value of the services.
Apart from its name being “Summary”, it is a screen where the team can see the most extensive details for each service. If there is a bottleneck, it allows the team to understand which service it originates from. The most important data in a load test is “Avg. Throughput” and “Avg. Response Time”. The team can see values separately for each service.
It is a screen that the team can use to understand and analyze the progress in detail, not at the beginning of the test, but in the middle or at the end of the test.
Timeline Report
A screen where the team can see the most detailed information for a service depending on the period.
Since the load test is a process, it allows the team to see detailed information about the time intervals of this process; how the service in question performed, or other data outside the service such as Virtual User number, Byte transfer, and Latency.
Engine Health
Engine Health Report gives information about the health of the servers used. Since the success of the test depends on the engines, it is necessary to take a look from time to time. If a problem is observed here, it means that the test will be directly negatively affected, and there is a complete server or script-based problem independent of the servers.
Performance test analysis provides insight into the availability, scalability, and response time of the application under test. Reporting and sharing these insights with the extended team members and stakeholders support critical technical and business decisions. By creating useful reports that respond to stakeholder concerns, testers can promote the collaboration that underpins business decisions about application releases and deployment risk factors.
Happy testing! :)
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